A few months back I received a call from Jackie and Andre who were wedding clients of mine 10 years ago and got married here in Greensboro, NC. They informed me that a big 10 year wedding anniversary party was going to take place in March of 2018 and they wanted me to be their photographer all over again and celebrate their marriage.
It was wonderful to hear from them again and gladly told them I would be there to document their anniversary party. I also found out that many guests from the wedding would be in attendance as well as many other vendors involved such as the DJ and the host venue, The Sheraton 4 Seasons/Koury Convention Center.
It was an honor to be there and capture their special day and enjoyed meeting their two young children and seeing their life come full circle. They also shared a highlight slideshow after dinner and I got to see many of the wedding images I captured a decade ago. The party continued late into the night and I just finished up the post production process for Jackie and Andre and delivered their images to enjoy. I look forward to seeing them at their 20th anniversary party as well.